Social Security Point-in-Time Service Updates

Wednesday 5 March 2025 @ 8.30 a.m.

The Social Security Point-in-Time Service has been updated to include the Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Act 2025 (Cth) (Act No. 17 of 2025). 

Act 17 of 2025

This Act aims to simplify and harmonise the existing tri-Act framework of legislation governing veterans’ entitlements, rehabilitation and compensation arrangements. The Act also makes consequential amendments to the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth), the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth), and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth).

These amendments have been updated in the Point-in-Time Social Security Service current to 5 March 2025. (NB: Subscription required).

If you are not already a subscriber to this or other Point-in-Time Services then please contact us to find out more or to take a free trial