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Reforming Energy Costs in VIC: the Energy Legislation Amendment (Victorian Default Offer) Bill 2019
On 19 February 2019, the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Ms D’Ambrosio, introduced the Energy Legislation Amendment (Victorian Default Offer) Bill 2019 (VIC) (‘the Bill’) to...
26 February 2019
A Happy Easter to all
What are you doing this Easter?
What's New
4 April 2012
What is the MALT Research Date that appears when I first log in to my Point-in-Time Service?
What is the MALT Research Date that appears when I first log in to my Point-in-Time Service?
Banking and Finance Point-In-Time now LIVE
[IMAGE - /sites/default/files/u36/pit_baf.jpg] TimeBase is excited to announce that the new Banking and Finance Point-In-Time Service is now LIVE as of 29 of September 2011.
What's New
29 September 2011
ASX Clear Futures Operating Rule Changes-TimeBase Alert
We have just this morning, 15 July 2011 received new changes to the ASX Clear Futures Operating Rules. Details of the changes are outlined below. The changes will go online in the TimeBase ASX...
What's New
15 July 2011
LawOne NOW includes ALL State Legislation PDF/HTML files for NSW
All PDF/HTML authorised and non-authorised legislative instruments for New South Wales are now added.
What's New
7 June 2011
Parliamentary Joint Committee Report on 4th Tranche to MySuper Legislation
With the current passage of the Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service Providers and Other Governance Measures) Bill 2012, a Parliamentary Joint Committee report has been released...
7 February 2013
Intervention Order Served Via Facebook
A recent article by Clayton Utz investigates the possibility that social networking sites can now become a place for legal processing.
23 November 2010
New R18+ rating for computer games in NSW
Violent computer games will now be subject to R18+ ratings in NSW to protect young people from harmful and disturbing material.
20 September 2012
Legal Services Board v Gillespie-Jones [2013] HCA 35: Legal Practitioner's Fidelity Fund
Today the High Court unanimously allowed an appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria, which had held that the respondent was entitled to make a claim for...
14 August 2013
14 October 2021 - Income Tax Point-in-Time Service Updates
The Income Tax Point-in-Time Service has been updated to include the Taxation Administration Amendment (Updating the List of Exchange of Information Countries No. 2) Regulations 2021 (Cth).
What's New
14 October 2021
14 October 2021 - GST Point-in-Time Service Updates
The GST Point-in-Time Service has been updated to include the Taxation Administration Amendment (Updating the List of Exchange of Information Countries No. 2) Regulations 2021 (Cth).
What's New
15 October 2021
JUSTIS now Maps Cases Precedent
Justis have revolutionised case display with its new Precedent Maps
What's New
30 March 2011
LAWONE now includes State Legislation PDF/HTML files for NSW
As promised PDF/HTML authorised and non-authorised legislative instruments for New South Wales are being added.
What's New
6 June 2011
TCL Air Conditioner (Zhongshan) Co Ltd v The Judges Of The Federal Court Of Australia [2013] HCA 5
The High Court today has unanimously dismissed an appeal in the case of TCL Air Conditioner (Zhongshan) Co Ltd v The Judges Of The Federal Court Of Australia [2013] HCA 5.
13 March 2013
NSW: New Powers of Attorney Amendment Bill 2013 Passed
The NSW Parliament passed the Powers of Attorney Amendment Bill 2013 on 1 May. It proposes substantial changes to the Powers of Attorney Act 2003 (NSW).
8 May 2013
NSW New Strata Scheme Changes Announced
Fair Trading Minister Anthony Roberts has announced today that with the review of strata and community title in New South Wales now complete, new strata by-laws and other changes to current...
4 November 2013
Watch this Space for Legal Article Content on LawOne
TimeBase has partnered with Mondaq ( - the world’s largest legal article distribution group) to bring articles written by leading Australian practitioners on recent legal...
What's New
8 May 2010
Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 in Queensland
The Queensland Government has given assent (on 4 March 2016) to the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 (No. 1 of 2016). The Act sets out to recognise the valuable contribution of diverse groups of...
9 March 2016
Australians Should Be Paying $10 Billion Per Year Less in Super Fees: Grattan Institute
The Grattan Institute has released a report that claims that Australians are paying superannuation fees and expenses that are up to three times higher than what they should be. The report, Super...
29 April 2014