TimeBase Training Q & A is here

Thursday 1 March 2012 @ 1.04 p.m.

If you want to know more about Our Product?
Or want to know all the tips & tricks?

Our new Training Q & A has you in mind.

With help from your feedback, we have compiled some of your most asked questions into a new user friendly section of our website called “Training Q & A” which will be monitored during business hours by our legal editors and marketing team.

We pride ourselves on our quick customer service so if you want any questions answered, you can either post them as a response to an existing Q & A item or email them direct to service@timebase.com.au or use the Contact Form on our website for an answer within one hour of receipt during normal business hours.

[IMAGE - /sites/default/files/images/TrainQ%26ALoc.JPG]







The new Q & A section is accessible from our Homepage and you can also follow us on Twitter or friend us on Facebook to be notified as new tips, tricks and information are added weekly.















Let us know what you have trouble with and we'll be sure to include it in our new Q&A .