Keep in Contact: We like to Hear from You
Friday 10 September 2010 @ 10.13 a.m.
Three good ways to follow TimeBase, our Website, Twitter and Facebook.
The best way is to visit our revamped TimeBase Homepage and public website (officially launched - Monday 31 August). The site now contains several new features including:
A regularly updated “What’s New” at TimeBase page
Our Product and Solutions pages have been enhanced and updated to accommodate our increasing product list
We have added a Partners page with information about the third party products we represent
Our new BlogTopics - a series of pages open to all site users (subscriber or not) where topical matters of interest in the areas of our legal products will be posted – these posts will contain links and information as well as the opportunity for interested readers to post constructive comments, views and feedback if they wish.
Our Twitter site has reached almost 400 followers in just a short time. If you are a Twitter fan we would love to have you follow us and equally love the opportunity to be able to follow you and share developments and new information with you.
Our Twitter address is or just search for TimeBase in the Twitter search.
[IMAGE - /sites/default/files/u322/TBTw01.JPG]
For Facebook users we can also be found there where we have our own Facebook fan page. We would
like very much for you to come and choose the "like this page" button.
All you have to do is log in to your account, search for us and select like our page.
[IMAGE - /sites/default/files/u322/TBFBk01.JPG]
We look forward to meeting up with you at one of the above places.