Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between a historical version of legislation and a Point-in-Time version?


What is the difference between a historical version of legislation and a Point-in-Time version?


 Here are five ways Point-in-Time is different from Historical versions:

1. Ability to change the Date to ANY Date

While most people are able to change the date to the beginning of a historical version or consolidation, what if there are multiple amending instruments consolidated within that one historical version? And you need to find out what the first amendment looked like when it was consolidated? With TimeBase’s unique Point-in-Time Services, you can change the date to ANY date you need to do research, not just prescribed version start and end dates, making locating and identifying specific section, part or chapter level changes a breeze with just a single click.

2. Amendments Yet to Commence

With TimeBase’s unique patented MALT XML technology, you can set the date of our service to any point in the future as well as the past and present. This makes research for legislation which will affect your company and its assets in the future easy to see and predict without trying to guess the intentions of Parliament. You can see it by just simply changing the date to “to be proclaimed”.

3. Instant Comparisons

Ever wanted to compare just a particular section you know applies to your client but have had to do a time-consuming manual comparison across an entire historical version? Due to the way our unique Point-in-Time technology works, you can instantly compare a single section, part, chapter or the entire Act, with detailed red line comparison to show you easily what has changed over the time you choose. No more comparing entire Word document files and working out the amendments – let a TimeBase Point-in-Time Service do it quickly and easily for you!

4. Amendment Links

I don’t know about you but we here at TimeBase have worked our way through our fair share of Tables of Amendments and worked out we don’t like manually consolidating each amendment and having to refer to multiple files every time we want to know what affected a particular section. So, instead of having to reference the Table of Amendments in a historical version, TimeBase’unique Point-in-Time Service has all amendments linked and date sensitive at section level. See everything which affected that section, linked and accessible by clicking on the “Amendments” link at section level.

5. Date Sensitive Case Links at Section Level

Unlike Historical versions, our Point-in-Time documents are living documents, not static consolidations, meaning you can link to date sensitive information at any level – part, chapter, section or whole legislation – and this information is always being updated and added to each time a new bill passes through Parliament or a new case goes through the courts. Why not make your precedent research easy by linking to cases which are date sensitive at the time your case occurred?

For any questions or to trial one of our range of Point-in-Time Services, please call Nickie on 0418 884 288 or apply for a free trial and we will contact you.