Frequently asked questions
Can I be alerted when Australian Government departments change name?
I need to be alerted when Australian Government departments change name. Is it possible to set up an alert to monitor these in LawOne?
Yes, it is possible to track amendments made to the Administrative Arrangement Orders for each State and the Commonwealth.
In some of the States and in Commonwealth, they have SLI or equivalent numbers, meaning they are able to be tracked as regulations, however, this would possibly not be the easiest way to find new amendments made to Administrative Arrangements Orders.
The preferred method would to track the principal piece of legislation under which every Order is made, as this will mean you will receive notification once new orders are made under the principal Acts, enabling you to click through to the new orders and see changes to any particular departments in which you are interested.
The current principal Acts for each jurisdiction are as follows:
Commonwealth: Administrative Arrangements Act 1987 (No. 92)
ACT: Public Sector Management Act 1994 (No. 37)
NSW: Interpretation Act 1987 (No. 15)
NT: Interpretation Act 1978 (No. 59)
QLD: Constitution of Queensland 2001 (No. 80)
SA: Administrative Arrangements Act 1994 (No. 3)
TAS: Administrative Arrangements Act 1990 (No. 4)
VIC: Administrative Arrangements Act 1983 (No. 9916)
WA: Constitution Act 1889