TimeBase Subjects for LawOne
The TimeBase Sydney Editorial Team categorises all legislation into the most appropriate area based on its content for legislative tracking and searching purposes. Subjects reflect the purpose and content of the legislation.
This guide to TimeBase LawTracker subjects offers:
a non-exhaustive list of topics included under each subject;
- cross-references indicating where related topics are classified; and
- indications of examples which are included in each subcategory.
A Note on TimeBase Sub-categories or sub-subjects: Where there is a principal piece of legislation in the Subject Area, it has been categorised under the most appropriate sub-subject which covers the majority of its purpose eg. Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) is categorised under Environment and Planning/Planning Regulation despite it being applicable to all other sub-subjects in a small way.
Administrative Law
- freedom of information
- judicial review
- jurisdiction and powers of administrative appeals tribunals
- natural justice
- ombudsman
- privacy
- Freedom of Information eg. Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2004
- Judicial Review eg. Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977
- Ombudsman eg. Ombudsman Act 1978
- Privacy eg. Privacy Regulations 2006
Does not include:
- particular tribunals and bodies, which are classified according to their subject matter (for example, Native Title Tribunal - see Indigenous Australians)
- animal welfare
- birds
- companion animals
- prevention of cruelty to animals
- veterinary surgeons
- zoos
- Animal Health eg. Exotic Diseases (Emergency Powers) Regulations
- Animal Welfare eg. Animal Welfare Act 2002
- Companion Animals eg. Companion Animals Act 1998
- Domestic Animals eg. City of Mandurah Dogs Local Law 2010
- Exhibiting Animals eg. Exhibited Animals Protection Amendment Regulation 2006
- Veterinary Practice eg. Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960
- Zoos eg. Zoological Parks Authority Regulations 2002
Does not include:
- agriculture and veterinary chemicals (see Primary Industry)
- animal diseases (see Primary Industry)
- fisheries (see Primary Industry)
- impounding (see Local Government)
- livestock (see Primary Industry)
- quarantine (see Health)
- wildlife protection (see Environment and Planning)
Banking and Finance
- bailments
- bankruptcy and insolvency
- bills of exchange
- bills of sale
- cheques
- consumer credit
- financial institutions
- foreign banks
- foreign exchange
- hire purchase
- housing finance
- loans
- liens
- money
- mortgages
- pawnbrokers
- registration of interest in goods
- unclaimed money
- uncollected goods
- Banking Industry Regulation eg. Audit (Transitional and Miscellaneous) Regulations 1997
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency eg. Bankruptcy Act 1966
- Bills of exchange eg. Bills of Exchange Act 1909
- Bills of sale eg. Bills of Sale (Requirements As to Instruments) Regulations 1995
- Cheques eg. Cheques Act 1986
- Consumer credit eg. Consumer Credit (Victoria) Act 1995
- Finance Brokers eg. Finance Brokers Control (Code of Conduct) Regulations 2007
- Financial institutions eg. Bank Mergers Act 1997
- Financial transactions eg. Electronic Transactions (Northern Territory) Act 2000
- Housing finance eg. Housing Loans Redemption Fund Act 1962
- International Finance eg. Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959
- Liens eg. Liens On Crops of Sugar Cane Act 1931
- Loans and security eg. Capital Debt Charges Act 1957
- Money eg. Currency Act 1965
- Pawnbrokers eg. Pawnbrokers Act 1902
- Public Finance eg. Commonwealth Borrowing Levy Regulations
- Unclaimed money/goods eg. Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1961
Does not include:
- futures industry (see Commercial and Corporate Law)
- home purchase assistance (see Social Services)
- public finance (see Government)
- sale of goods (see Consumer Protection and Competition Law)
- securities (see Commercial and Corporate Law)
- unclaimed superannuation benefits (see Superannuation)
Charities, Religious and Other Associations
- churches and church holdings
- clubs
- religions
- trusts
- unincorporated associations
- voluntary associations
- Charitable Trusts eg. Benevolent Society (Reconstitution) Act 1998
- Churches and Church Holdings eg. Anglican Church of Australia (Anglican Care) Order 2007
- Trusts eg. Barrow Island Royalty Trust Account Act 1985
- Unincorporated Associations and Clubs eg. Old Colonists' Association Act 1882
Does not include:
- financial institutions (see Banking and Finance)
- incorporated associations (see Commercial and Corporate Law)
- marriage (see Families and Relationships)
- Public Trustee (see Succession)
- racing clubs (see Recreation and Tourism)
- trade unions (see Employment)
- trustee companies (see Commercial and Corporate Law)
Commercial and Corporate Law
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission
- business regulation
- company directors
- corporations
- financial services
- foreign companies
- foreign investment
- futures industry
- partnerships
- securities
- trustee companies
- Australian Securities and Investment Commission eg. Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001
- Business Regulation eg. Business Franchise Act
- Commercial Arbitration eg. Commercial Arbitration Act 2010
- Company Directors eg. Statutory Corporations (Liability of Directors) Act 1996
- Contract eg. Frustrated Contracts Act 1978
- Corporations eg. Ballaarat Gas Company's Act 1857
- Financial services eg. Financial Sector Reform (South Australia) Act 1999
- Foreign companies eg. Foreign Ownership of Land Register Act 1988
- Futures industry eg. Futures Industry (Western Australia) Regulations
- Partnership eg. Limited Partnerships Act 1909
- Securities Industry eg. Securities Industry (Application of Laws) Act 198
- Statutory corporations commercialization and regulation eg. Aerospace Technologies of Australia Limited Sale Act 1994
- Stock and futures exchange regulation eg. Sydney Exchange Company Limited Act 1964
- Trustee companies eg. Trustee Companies Act 1964
Does not include:
- bankruptcy (see Banking and Finance)
- commercial leases (see Property and Construction)
- e-commerce (see Media and Communications)
- insolvency (See Banking and Finance)
- sale of goods (see Consumer Protection and Competition Law)
- trusts (see Charities, Religious and Other Associations)
Consumer Protection and Competition Law
- competition
- conditions and warranties
- fair trade
- misleading and deceptive conduct
- product safety
- restraint of trade
- restrictive trade practices
- sale of goods
- trade practices
- Competition eg. Competition Policy Reform (New South Wales) Regulation 2008
- Consumer Protection/Fair Trading eg. Consumer Affairs Act 1988
- Franchises eg. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Regulations 1975
- Industry Codes eg. Code of Conduct for the Supply of Electricity to Small Use Customers 2008
- Product Safety eg. Tobacco Products Regulations 2004
- Regulatory Commissions/Tribunals eg. Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Act 1997
- Sale of Goods eg. Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention) Act 1986
Does not include:
- consumer credit (see Banking and Finance)
- industry assistance (see Trade and Industry)
- shops and factories (see Trade and Industry)
- arrest
- bail
- child protection
- Director of Public Prosecutions
- drug offences
- extradition
- family violence
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- juvenile justice
- offences
- parole
- police
- prisons
- probation
- proceeds of crime
- punishment
- sentencing
- summary offences
- Arrest eg. Criminal Law (Detention and Interrogation) Act 1995
- Australian Crime Commission eg. Australian Crime Commission (ACT) Act 2003
- Bail eg. Bail Act 1978
- Child Protection and Sexual Offences eg. Child Protection and Sexual Offences (Offender Reporting and Registration) Act
- Commissions Against Corruption eg.
- Corrective Services eg. Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
- Crimes at Sea eg. Crimes at Sea Regulations 2002
- Criminal Evidence eg. Evidence (Admissible Reproductions) Regulations
- Director of Public Prosecution eg. Director of Public Prosecutions Act
- Domestic Violence eg. Domestic Violence and Protection Orders Act 2008
- Drug Offences eg. Drugs Misuse Act 1986
- Extradition eg. Extradition (Kingdom of the Netherlands) Regulations 1988
- International co-operation eg. Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Greece) Regulations 2004
- Interstate co-operation eg. Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons) Act 1976
- Juvenile justice eg. Juvenile Justice (Detention Centres) Regulations
- Offences eg. Seamen’s Act 1958
- Organised Crime eg. Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Regulations 2008
- Police eg. Australian Federal Police Act 1979
- Practice and Procedure eg. Search Warrants Act 1997
- Proceeds of Crime eg. Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003
- Sentencing eg. Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004
- Sex Industry/Sexual Offences eg. Sex Industry Offences Act 2005
- Summary Offences eg. Inebriates Act 1912
- Surveillance eg. Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979
- Terrorism eg. Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005
- Victims Compensation, Assistance and Support eg. Victims' Charter Act 2006
- Witnesses eg. Witness Protection Act 1991
Does not include:
- courts (see Legal System)
- customs offences (see Customs and Excise)
- drugs (see Health)
- immigration detention (see Migration and Citizenship)
- juries (see Legal System)
- legal aid (see Legal System)
- police superannuation schemes (see Superannuation)
- weapons (see Defence)
Customs and Excise
- customs control
- customs duties
- customs tariff
- diesel fuel rebates
- export control
- export inspection
- exports
- import processing charges
- importsicence
- international trade
- Tradex scheme
- Customs control eg. Customs (Interception of Vessels) Regulations 2001
- Customs Tariff eg. Customs (Tariff Concession System Validations) Act 1999
- Excise eg. Excise Act 1901
- Export Control eg. Export Control (Orders) Regulations 1982
- Exports eg. National Residue Survey Customs Levy Rate Correction (Lamb Exports) Act 2004
- Imports eg. Commerce (Imports) Regulations 1940
- Tradex Scheme eg. Tradex Scheme Act 1999
Does not include:
- bounties (see Trade and Industry)
- export market development grants (see Trade and Industry)
- industry assistance (see Trade and Industry)
- air force
- army
- fire brigade
- intelligence agencies
- military
- national security
- navy
- returned soldiers
- security industry
- state emergency and rescue services
- war
- war memorials
- weapons
- Air force eg. Air Force Act 1923
- Fire Brigade eg. Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia Act 1998
- Intelligence Agencies eg. Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979
- Military eg. Defence (Areas Control) Regulations 1989
- National Security eg. National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act 2004
- Navy eg. Naval Forces Repeal Regulations 2002
- State Emergency and Rescue eg. Emergencies Act 2004
- War eg. Ex-Servicemen's Badges Act 1967
- Weapons eg. Firearms Act 1973
Does not include:
- arson (see Crime)
- border protection (see Migration and Citizenship)
- bush fire fighters’ compensation (see Insurance and Compensation)
- bush fires (see Environment and Planning)
- dangerous goods and explosives (see Occupational Health and Safety)
- military superannuation schemes (see Superannuation)
- police (see Crime)
- veterans’ entitlements (see Social Services)
Education, Training and Research
- adult education
- education funding
- libraries
- schools
- scientific research
- teachers and staff
- tertiary education assistance
- universities
- vocational training
- Libraries/Museums eg. Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts Agreement Act 1966
- Research eg. Animal Research Regulation 2010
- Schools/Institutes eg. Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973
- teachers and staff eg. ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010
- tertiary education assistance eg. Curriculum Council Act 1997
- Universities eg. Bond University Act 1987
- vocational training eg. Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001
Does not include:
- children (see Families and Relationships)
- industry research institutes, which are classified according to their subject matter (for example, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Act 1987 - Health)
- galleries (See Recreation and Tourism)
- museums (See Recreation and Tourism)
Employment and Industrial Relations
- Australian Industrial Relations Commission
- awards
- conciliation
- employment conditions
- entitlements
- equal employment opportunity
- independent contractors
- industrial arbitration
- industrial relations
- termination and dismissal
- trade unions
- wages
- workplace safety
- Australian Industrial Relations Commission eg. Australian Industrial Relations Commission Rules 1998
- Awards eg. Public Sector Employment (Award Entitlements) Act 2006
- Employment Conditions and Regulation eg. Determination of the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal August 2007
- entitlements and compensation eg. Safe Work Australia Act 2008
- equal employment opportunity eg. Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act 1986
- independent contractors eg. Independent Contractors Act 2006
- industrial arbitration eg. Commercial Arbitration Act 1990
- industrial relations eg. Industrial and Employee Relations (General) Regulations 1994
- trade unions eg. Trade Unions Act 1958
Does not include:
- dust diseases (see Insurance and Compensation)
- hazardous chemicals (see Environment and Planning)
- industry conditions and regulation of trading hours (see Trade and Industry)
- licensing of trades (see Trade and Industry)
- long service leave in specific industries (classified according to subject matter of industry, for example Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Act 1992 - see Energy and Resources)
- occupational health and safety (see Occupational health and safety)
- public holidays (see Trade and Industry)
- sexual harassment (see Human Rights)
- shops and factories (see Trade and Industry)
- superannuation (see Superannuation)
- unemployment benefits (see Social Services)
- workers’ compensation (see Insurance and Compensation)
Energy and Resources
- coal industry
- dams
- electricity
- flood mitigation
- fuel
- gas
- gold
- irrigation
- minerals
- mining
- nuclear energy
- oil
- petroleum
- water
- climate change/clean fuel/carbon tax eg. Biofuels Act 2007
- Coal Industry eg. Central Queensland Coal Associates Agreement Act 1968
- Electricity eg. Electricity (General) Regulations 1997
- Energy and Utilities Regulation eg. Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987
- Fuel eg. Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000
- Gas eg. AGL Corporate Conversion Act 2002
- Geothermal eg. Geothermal Exploration Act 2004
- Gold eg. Gold Corporation (Policy Instruments) Regulations 2009
- Iron Ore eg. Hamersley Iron (Port of Dampier) By-laws
- Irrigation eg. Irrigation Act 2009
- Minerals eg. Alcoa (Portland Aluminium Smelter) Act 1980
- Mining eg. Lands, Planning and Mining Tribunal Act
- Natural resource management eg. Natural Resource Management Act 2002
- Nuclear energy eg. Atomic Energy Act 1953
- Oil eg. Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000
- Petroleum eg. Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Annual Fees) Act 2006
- Pipeline regulation eg. Corio to Newport Pipeline Act 1953
- Radiation eg. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Regulations 1999
- Water eg. Dams Safety Act 1978
Does not include:
- aquaculture (see Primary Industry)
- clean waters (see Environment and Planning)
- diesel fuel rebates (see Customs and Excise)
- fire brigade (see Defence)
- forestry and timber industry (see Primary Industry)
- forests conservation (see Environment and Planning)
- mining industry superannuation schemes (see Superannuation)
- pollution (see Environment and Planning)
Environment and Planning
- conservation
- environmental waste
- forests conservation
- hazardous chemicals
- heritage
- historic buildings
- parks
- pollution
- Coastal protection and management eg. Coastal Protection and Management Regulation 2003
- Conservation and protection eg. Conservation, Forests and Lands (Infringement Notice) Regulations 2002
- Environmental waste/pollution eg. Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2008
- Forestry eg. Forest Management Regulations 1993
- Government Site Development & Regulation eg. Darwin water managementfront Corporation Act
- Hazardous chemicals eg. Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985
- Heritage eg. Heritage Act 1995
- Local Government Environmental Plans eg. Coolah Local Environmental Plan 2000
- Marine eg. Marine Parks Regulation 1999
- Noise eg. Noise Abatement (Noise Abatement Directions) Regulations 1981
- Parks and gardens eg. Crown Land (Reserves) (Phillip Island Nature Park) Regulations 2010
- Planning regulation eg. Cul-de-sac Applications Act 1965
- Regional and State Environmental plans eg.
- Water management eg. Drinking water management Catchments Regional Environmental Plan No 1
- Wildlife eg. Currumbin Bird Sanctuary Act 1976
Does not include:
- animal diseases (see Primary Industry)
- dams (see Energy and Resources)
- explosives (Defence)
- forestry and timber industry (see Primary Industry)
- irrigation (see Energy and Resources)
- pesticides (see Primary Industry)
- sewerage and waste disposal (see Local Government)
- water (see Energy and Resources)
Families and Relationships
- adoption
- child abduction
- children
- child support
- de facto relationships
- divorce
- maintenance
- marriage
- superannuation in property settlements
- Adoption eg. Adoption Act 1988
- De Facto Relationships eg. Civil Partnerships Act 2008
- Domicile eg. Domicile Act 1981
- Family Assistance eg. Community Welfare Regulations
- Marriage eg. Marriage Act 1958
- Regulation of Family relationships eg. Commonwealth Powers (Family Law - Children) Act 1990
- Same-Sex Relationships eg. Same-Sex Relationships Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws Act 1990
- Surrogacy eg. Surrogacy Act 2010
- Welfare and Care of Children eg. Children and Community Services (Family Day Care) Regulations 2006
Does not include:
- child care (see Social Services)
- child protection (see Crime)
- family allowances (see Social Services)
- family provision (see Succession)
- family violence (see Crime)
- juvenile justice (see Crime)
- registration of births deaths and marriages (see Migration and Citizenship)
- appropriation
- Commonwealth-State relations
- Constitutions
- elections
- external territories
- government departments
- legislation
- Parliament
- public finance
- public service
- standard time
- Appropriation eg. Appropriation (2007/2008) Act 2007
- Commonwealth-State/Territory Relations eg. A.C.T. Self - Government (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 1989
- Constitutions eg. Bill of Rights 1688
- Elections eg. Election Funding and Disclosures Regulation 2009
- Essential Services eg. Essential Services Act 1981
- External territories eg. Christmas Island Act 1958
- Financial Management eg. Financial Administration and Audit (Designation of Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2001
- Flags and Emblems eg. Flag and Emblem Act
- Government public finance eg. Fiscal Responsibility Act 2005
- Government Departments eg. Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004
- Government Officials eg. Attorney-General Act 1999
- Legislation eg. Imperial Acts Adopting Ordinance 1867
- Parliament eg. Assembly Members and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Other Entitlements) Regulations
- Public authorities/corporations eg. Infrastructure Australia Act 2008
- Public service eg. Public Administration Act 2004
- Records eg. Archives Act 1983
- Standard time eg. Daylight Saving Act 2007
- Statistics eg. Australian Bureau of Statistics (Allowances) Regulations
- Whistleblowers eg. Protected Disclosures Act 1994
Does not include:
- Acts interpretation (see Legal System)
- compulsory acquisition of land (see Property and Construction)
- Crown lands (see Property and Construction)
- police (see Crime)
- public holidays (see Trade and Industry)
- public sector superannuation schemes (see Superannuation)
- aged care
- ambulance services
- burial
- disability services
- drugs and alcohol
- food
- hospitals
- liquor
- medical benefits
- medical practitioners and professions (for example - chiropractors, dentists, nurses, optometrists)
- medicine
- mental health
- pharmaceutical benefits
- poisons
- privacy – health records
- public health
- quarantine
- sporting injuries insurance
- therapeutic goods
- vaccination
- Aged Care eg. Aged Care (Consequential Provisions) Act 1997
- Ambulance Services eg. Ambulance Service Act 1982
- Disability Services eg. Australian Hearing Services Act 1991
- Drugs and Alcohol eg. Drug and Alcohol Treatment Act 2007
- Food eg. Food Act 1984
- Gene Technology eg. Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000
- Health Services eg. Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Regulations 2010
- Hospitals eg. Hospital Fund Act 1930
- Medical Benefits eg. Dental Benefits Act 2008
- Medical Practitioners and Professionals eg. Dental Practitioners Registration Regulations 2005
- Medical Procedures/Treatments eg. Emergency Medical Operations Act
- Medicine eg. Garvan Institute of Medical Research Act 1984
- Mental Health eg. Mental Health (Administration) Regulations 1965
- Poisons/Prohibited Substances eg. Controlled Substances (General) Regulations 2000
- Privacy -Health Records eg. Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997
- Public Health eg. Health Regulation 2004
- Quarantine eg. Quarantine Act 1908
- Retirement Villages/nursing homes eg. Retirement Villages Regulation 2010
- Therapeutic Goods eg. Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Act 1989
Does not include:
- cemeteries (See Local Government)
- cremation (See Local Government)
- drug offences (see Crime)
- dust diseases (see Insurance and Compensation)
- funeral expenses (see Succession)
- hotels (see Recreation and Tourism)
- Health insurance and medical indemnity (see Insurance and Compensation)
- Medicare levy (see Taxation)
- nursing homes (see Social Services)
- occupational health and safety (see Occupational health and safety)
- pollution (see Environment and Planning)
- sewerage and waste disposal (see Local Government)
- water (see Energy and Resources)
- wine industry (see Primary Industry)
Human Rights
- discrimination law
- sexual harassment
- Discrimination Law eg. Anti-Discrimination Regulations
- Human Rights eg. Human Rights Act 2004
Does not include:
- equal employment opportunity (see Employment)
- freedom of information (see Administrative Law)
Indigenous Australians
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
- cultural heritage
- land rights
- native title
- Aboriginal Affairs and Planning eg. Stolen Generations of Aboriginal Children Act 2006
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission eg. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Regulations 1992
- Community By-laws/Schemes eg. Bindi Bindi Aboriginal Community By-laws
- Cultural Heritage eg. Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972
- Native Title eg. Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) (Land Description) Regulations
Does not include:
- Abstudy (see Education, Training and Research)
- racial discrimination (see Human Rights)
Insurance and Compensation
agents and brokers
- bush fire fighters’ compensation
- dust diseases
- life insurance
- marine insurance
- motor vehicle insurance
- seafarers compensation
- statutory compensation schemes
- third party insurance
- workers’ compensation
- Companies, Agents and Brokers eg. Bishopsgate Insurance Australia Limited Act 1983
- Dust Diseases eg. Dust Diseases Act 2005
- Health Insurance eg. Health Care Liability Act 2001
- Insurance Industry and Contracts Regulation eg. Insurance Commission of Western Australia Act 1986
- Life Insurance eg. Life, Fire, and Marine Insurance Act 1902
- Motor Vehicle Insurance eg. Motor Accidents (Compensation) Regulations
- Personal Injury Insurance eg. Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Regulations
- Seafarers Compensation eg. Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations 1993
- Speciality Insurance eg. Terrorism Insurance Act 2003
- Workers Compensation eg. Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
Does not include:
- occupational health and safety (see Occupational Health and Safety)
- sporting injuries insurance (see Health)
Intellectual Property
- circuit layouts
- copyright
- designs
- patents
- plant breeders’ rights
- trade marks
- Circuit Layouts eg. Circuit Layouts Act 1989
- Copyright eg. Copyright Act 1879
- Designs eg. Designs Act 2003
- Patents eg. Patents Act 1990
- Plant Breeders' Rights eg. Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994
- Trade Marks eg. Trade Marks (Norfolk Island) Regulations 1989
Legal System
- Acts interpretation
- appeals
- application of laws
- alternative dispute resolution
- courts
- evidence
- judges’ pensions
- judiciary
- juries
- law reform
- legal aid
- legal profession
- litigation
- practice and procedure
- royal commissions
- Admiralty eg. Admiralty Rules 1988
- Alternative Dispute Resolution eg. Agricultural Practices (Disputes) Regulations 1996
- Appeals eg. Appeal Costs Fund Act 1968
- Application of Laws eg. Application of Laws (Coastal Sea) Act 1980
- Courts eg. Children's Court Act 1987
- Evidence eg. Unauthorized Documents Act 1986
- Government/Act Interpretation eg. (59 of 1978)
- Judiciary eg. Judges’ Pensions Act 1953
- Juries eg. Juries Regulations
- Law Reform eg. Law Reform (Statute of Frauds) Act 1962
- Legal Aid eg. Legal Aid Commission (Consultative Committees) Rules 1978
- Legal Profession eg. Legal Practitioners (District Court Appeals) (Contentious Business) Determination 2004
- Practice, Procedure and Litigation eg. Civil Liability Regulation 2003
Does not include:
- Constitution (see Government)
- Director of Public Prosecutions (see Crime)
- legislation (see Government)
Local Government
- cemeteries
- cremation
- councils
- impounding
- sewerage and waste disposal
- Council By-laws eg. Jabiru Town Development (Aboriginal Camping Areas) By-Laws
- Councils eg. City of Brisbane (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010
- Impounding eg. Impounding Act 1993
- Local Government Regulation and Administration eg. Geelong Regional Commission Act 1977
- Water and sewerage eg. Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1909
Does not include:
- environmental waste (see Environment and Planning)
- highways (see Transport)
- local government superannuation schemes (see Superannuation)
- parks and reserves (see Environment and Planning)
- roads (see Transport)
- town planning (see Environment and Planning)
Media and Communications
- advertising
- broadcasting
- classification and censorship
- defamation
- e-commerce
- film
- internet
- information technology
- newspapers
- postal services
- printing
- publications
- radiocommunications
- telecommunications
- television
- Broadcasting eg. Australian Broadcasting Corporation Regulations 1988
- Classification and censorship eg. Censorship Act 1996
- Defamation eg. Defamation Act 2005
- E-commerce eg. Electronic Transactions Regulations 2000
- Film eg. Australian Film, Television and Radio School (Allowances) Regulations
- Internet eg. Spam Act 2003
- Newspapers eg. Printing and Newspapers Act 1973
- Postal services eg. Australian Postal Corporation Regulations 1996
- Radiocommunications eg. 900 MHz Band Plan
- Telecommunications eg. Postal and Telecommunications Commissions (Transitional Provisions) Act 1975
Does not include:
- misleading and deceptive advertising (see Consumer Protection and Competition Law)
Migration and Citizenship
- citizenship
- deportation
- immigration detention
- passports
- refugees
- registration of births deaths and marriages
- visas
- Citizenship eg. Aliens Act 1913
- Migration eg. Migration Agents Registration Application Charge Act 1997
- Passports eg. Australian Passports (Application Fees) Act 2005
- Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages eg. Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act
Does not include:
- judicial review (see Administrative Law)
Occupational health and safety
- dangerous goods and explosives
- occupational health and safety
- Dangerous Goods and explosives eg. Dangerous Goods (Fees) Regulations 1998
- Mine Safety eg. Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
- Occupational/Workplace Health and Safety eg. Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993
Does not include:
- Health
Primary Industry
- agriculture
- agriculture and veterinary chemicals
- animal diseases
- aquaculture
- dairy industry
- farming
- fisheries
- forestry and timber industry
- meat and livestock
- pesticides
- plant diseases
- primary industries levies and charges
- wine industry
- Agriculture eg. Pearl Oyster Culture Industry Management Plan
- Agriculture and veterinary chemicals eg. Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act
- Dairy industry eg. Dairy Adjustment Act 1974
- Farming eg. Farm Household Support Regulations 1993
- Fisheries eg. Aquaculture (Zones—Coffin Bay) Policy 2008
- Forestry and timber eg. Diseases In Timber Act 1975
- Meat and livestock eg. Artificial Breeding Act (Repeal) Act 1984
- Plant Health and Diseases eg. Plant Diseases (Fruit Fly Baiting Fees) Regulations 1979
- Poultry industry eg. Egg Grading and Packing Code 1989
- Primary industries levies and charges eg. Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection (Barley Research) Regulations 1991
- Primary industry funding and regulation eg. Grain Handling and Storage Act 1995
- Stock diseases eg. Stock Diseases Act 1923
- Wine industry eg. Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation (Liability to Taxation) Regulations 1981
Does not include:
- drought relief (see Social Services)
- farm assistance (see Social Services)
- farm financing and debt (see Banking and Finance)
- forests conservation (see Environment and Planning)
- irrigation (see Energy and Resources)
- liquor and alcohol (see Health)
- veterinary surgeons (see Animals)
- wool tax (see Taxation)
Private International Law
- choice of laws
- conflict of laws
- foreign judgments
- privileges and immunities
- Choice of Law/Conflict of Law eg. Domicile Act 1980
- Foreign Judgments eg. Foreign Judgments Act 1991
Does not include:
- extradition (see Crime)
Property and Construction
- building
- commercial leases
- compulsory acquisition of land
- construction
- conveyancing
- Crown lands
- fencing and boundaries
- housing
- land surveyors
- leases
- rent
- tenancies
- Building and construction eg. Architects Act 1991
- Compulsory acquisition of land eg. Closer Settlement (Winding-up) Act 1982
- Conveyancing eg. Conveyancers Act 2006
- Crown Land eg. Crown Lands (Commonage) Regulations
- Fencing and boundaries eg. Dividing Fences Act 1991
- Government vesting-covenants and encumbrances eg. All Saints Church Lands Act 1960
- Housing eg. Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995
- Land Management Administration and Development eg. Commissioner of Public Works Incorporation Act 1917
- Land surveyors eg. Land (Guidance of Surveyors in the Department of Land Administration) Regulations 1961
- Land title eg. Law of Property Act
- Property Agents eg. Property Agents and Land Transactions Act 2005
- Residential and commercial leases eg. Recovery of Possession of Tenements 1838
- Strata title eg. Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973
- Tenancies eg. Agricultural Tenancies Act 1990
- Valuation eg. Land Valuers Act 1994
Does not include:
- church land holdings (see Charities, Religious and other Associations)
- home purchase assistance (see Social Services)
- housing finance (see Banking and Finance)
- land rights (see Indigenous Australians)
- land tax (see Taxation)
- mortgages (see Banking and Finance)
- native title (see Indigenous Australians)
- planning (see Environment and Planning)
- stamp duty (see Taxation)
Public International Law
- consular and diplomatic services
- international organisations
- Consular and Diplomatic Services eg. Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Regulations
- Extra-Territorial eg. Indian Ocean Territories (Administration of Laws) Act 1992
- International Agreements/Charter of the United Nations International Organisations eg. Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (United Arab Emirates) Regulations 2010
- Privileges and immunities eg. Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1972
Does not include:
- extradition (see Crime)
- international trade (see Customs and Excise)
- international treaties and conventions, which are classified according to their subject matter (for example, Family Law (Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption) Regulations 1998 - Families and Relationships)
Recreation and Tourism
- betting
- bookmakers
- gambling
- galleries
- gaming
- hotels
- lotteries
- museums
- racing
- sport
- anti-doping and sports’ drugs
- totalizators
- tourist accommodation
- travel agents
- Arts Associations and Venues eg. Art Gallery Act 1939
- Festivals /events eg. Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Act 1971
- Gambling eg. Brisbane Casino Agreement Act 1992
- Lotteries eg. Lotteries (SA Lotto) Rules
- Racing eg. Harness Racing Act 2009
- Sport eg. Combat Sports Regulation 2009
- Sporting and cultural Clubs and Associations eg.
- Sporting Venues eg. Hindmarsh Soccer Stadium (Auditor-General's Report) Act 2001
- Totalizators eg. TAB Limited Totalizator Rules
- Tourism eg. Tourism Services Regulation 2003
- Tourist accommodation eg. Alpine Resorts Act 1983
- Travel agents eg. Travel Agents Regulations 1996
Does not include:
- adult education (see Education, Training and Research)
- fishing permits (see Primary Industry)
- libraries (see Education, Training and Research)
- unlawful gambling (see Crime)
Social Services
- child care
- drought relief
- family allowances
- farm assistance
- home purchase assistance
- nursing homes
- pensions
- social security payments and benefits
- unemployment benefits
- veterans’ entitlements
- Carers eg. Carers (Recognition) Act 2008
- Children eg. Child Care Services (Family Day Care) Regulations 2006
- Community Services eg. Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997
- Defence Force/ veterans' entitlements eg. Defence Housing Authority Act 1987
- Disability Services eg. Disability Services Act
- Family allowances eg. Family Services Act 1987
- Farm assistance eg. Rural Adjustment Act 1995
- Guardianship Administration eg. Guardianship and Administration Act 1986
- Home purchase assistance eg. First Home Owner Grant Regulations 2000
- Retirement Villages/nursing homes eg. Retirement Villages Regulation 2010
- Social security payments and benefits eg. Pensioners (Heating Allowances) Act 1971
Does not include:
- ambulance services (see Health)
- animal welfare (see Animals)
- charities (see Charities, Religious and other Associations)
- children and family welfare (see Families and Relationships)
- churches (see Charities, Religious and other Associations)
- fire brigade (see Defence)
- legal aid (see Legal System)
- national health legislation (see Health)
- pharmaceutical benefits (see Health)
- police (see Crime)
- tertiary education assistance (see Education, Training and Research)
- workers’ compensation (see Insurance and Compensation)
- administration of estates
- family provision
- funeral expenses
- probate
- Public Trustee
- wills
- Administration of Estates eg. Administration (Validating) Act 1900
- Family Provision eg. Aged and Infirm Persons' Property Act
- Funeral expenses eg. Prepaid Funerals Act 2004
- Probate eg. Non-contentious Probate Rules 1967
- Public Trustee eg. Public Trustee Act 1985
- Wills eg. Wills Act 1997
Does not include:
- funerals (see Health)
- trustee companies (see Commercial and Corporate Law)
- trusts (see Charities, Religious and Other Associations)
- industry superannuation schemes
- public sector superannuation schemes
- unclaimed superannuation benefits
- Industry Superannuation Schemes eg. Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers (Superannuation) Act 1941
- Parliamentary Superannuation eg. Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation Act
- Public Sector Superannuation Schemes eg. Defence Forces Retirement Benefits (Family Law Superannuation) Orders 2004
- Superannuation Scheme Establishment/ Administration eg. Small Superannuation Accounts Act 1995
- Superannuation- Self Managed Funds eg. Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1991
- Unclaimed Superannuation Benefits eg. Unclaimed Superannuation Benefits Act
Does not include:
- judges’ pensions (see Legal System)
- pensions (see Social Security)
- superannuation in property settlements (see Families and Relationships)
- unclaimed moneys generally (see Banking and Finance)
- capital gains tax
- fringe benefits tax
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- income tax
- Medicare levy
- land tax
- State taxes
- taxation administration
- taxation offences
- wool tax
- Fringe benefits tax eg. Fringe Benefits Tax (Application to the Commonwealth) Act 1986
- Goods and Services Tax eg. A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Regulations 1999
- Income tax eg. Income Tax (Farm Management Deposits) Regulations 1998
- Land tax eg. Land Tax Act 2000
- Medicare levy eg. Medicare Levy Act 1986
- Pay-roll tax eg. Payroll Tax Act 1971
- Petroleum Resource Taxation eg. Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Act 1987
- Stamp Duties eg. Duties Act 2001
- State Taxes eg. Competition Policy Reform (Taxing) Act 1996
- Taxation Administration eg. Tax Agent Services Act 2009
Does not include:
- bounties (see Trade and Industry)
- diesel fuel rebates (see Customs and Excise)
- excise (see Customs and Excise)
- industry levies and duties, which are classified according to industry subject matter (for example, Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991 - see Primary Industry)
- public finance (see Government)
- particular States grants, which are classified according to subject matter (for example, States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Act 2000 - see Education, Training and Research)
Trade and Industry
- bounties
- export market development grants
- industry assistance
- licensing of traders
- public holidays
- shops and factories
- weights and measures
- Export market development grants eg. Export Market Development Grants (Repeal and Consequential Provisions) Act 1997
- Free trade eg. Mutual Recognition (Victoria) Act 1998
- Industry assistance eg. Textile, Clothing and Footwear Strategic Investment Program Regulations 2005
- Industry development eg. Development Allowance Authority Act 1992
- Industry regulation eg. Statutes Repeal (Egg Industry) Act 1992
- Licensing of traders eg. Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Act 2011
- Public holidays eg. Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972
- Shop and factories eg. Sydney Market Authority (Dissolution) Act 1997
- Weights and measures eg. Trade Measurement Administration Regulation 2007
Does not include:
- diesel fuel rebates (see Customs and Excise)
- exports (see Customs and Excise)
- imports (see Customs and Excise)
- occupational health and safety (see Employment)
- particular industries and professions, which are classified according to subject matter (for example, Architects - see Property and Construction)
- product safety (see Consumer Protection and Competition Law)
- restraint of trade (see Consumer Protection and Competition Law)
- trade practices (see Consumer Protection and Competition Law)
- trade unions (see Employment)
- training (see Education, Training and Research)
- wages and conditions (see Employment)
- airports
- aviation
- carriage of goods
- carriers
- driver licensing
- harbours
- highways
- lighthouses
- motor vehicle registration
- motor vehicles
- navigation
- ports
- public transport
- railways
- roads
- shipping
- stevedoring industry
- traffic
- wharves
- Airports eg. Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008
- Aviation eg. Air Accidents (Commonwealth Government Liability) Act 1963
- Carriage of goods eg. Radiation Protection and Control (Transport of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 2003
- Carriers/passenger transport eg. Commercial Passenger (Miscellaneous) Regulations
- Dangerous goods transport eg. Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Act 2008
- Driver licensing eg. Adult Proof of Age Card Act 2008
- Harbours eg. Harbors and Navigation Variation Regulations 2009
- Highways/roads eg. Australian Road Rules
- Maritime/marine eg. Boating (Safety Equipment) Regulation-N.S.W.
- Motor vehicles eg. Automotive Transformation Scheme Act 2009
- Ports eg. Darwin Port (Handling and Transport of Dangerous Cargoes) By-laws
- Public transport eg. Public Transport Authority Act 2003
- Railways eg. Abt Railway Development Act 1999
- Shipping eg. Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Act 1981
- Transport administration/national transport commission eg. Congestion Levy Act 2005
Does not include:
- marine insurance (see Insurance and Compensation)
- motor vehicle insurance (see Insurance and Compensation)
- noise and pollution (see Environment and Planning)